Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Is time the ultimate unit of measurement?

I was watching Lucy, last night. It was fine, but it got my mind wandering...No, it wasn't because of that "we use only 10% of Brain..." I already know that it was a myth, but something which got my brain wondering till late was when near the end when Lucy said, “Time is the only true unit of measure, it gives proof to the existence of matter, without time, we don’t exist.”
Time is believed to be one of the four dimension of space and some people believe time is not real, it is just random measurement or concept...sounds similar? Yeah, this got me thinking while most people aren't ready to accept that there is something supernatural behind formation of this universe or perhaps parallel universes, what if that supernatural thing or being or God, whatever you want to name is in-fact noting but just time?
"Time and tide wait for no man." this has gotta be one of the oldest saying I have been hearing since I was a child, well if we consider that time to be supernatural being it starts making sense. We have to work for ourselves, we are given free will, i.e; we can manage/spend our time the way we want? And that time will run out, perhaps this is where concept of judgement day came into existence.
Perhaps, I will get more time to......

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